Optischedule is specialized in solving complicated scheduling and rostering problems. We have extensive experience in the area, with a clear focus on producing business value.
Optischedule is specialized in solving complicated scheduling and rostering problems. We have extensive experience in the area, with a clear focus on producing business value.
Sustainable schedule
Optimal schedules strike the right balance between hard core productivity and sustainable shifts that retain and attract the best employees. Welcome to long-term profitability
Sustainable staffing
Reduce lead-time
Adapt to change
Automatic schedule creation
Give us your business requirements and rules. Our advanced rule-based engine will provide you with the most cost effective sustainable schedule there is.
Shift design
Rule-based engine
Demand curve
Skills and capabilities
Lunches, breaks, and work span
Minimize the number of shifts needed
Fixed and floating work items
Advanced pattern-based requirements
One size doesn't fit all
Is your scheduling challenge super unique? Great, our box of tools and technologies is not complete but we love to be challenged.
Custom scheduling requirements
Automated base and manual adjustments
Contract planning
Vacation planning
Work rotation
Route optimization
What is your scheduling challenge?… Challenge us
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